In alot of cases,basic HTML consists of an opening tag, your text(writing) and then a closing tag.
The <br> tag is used when you want to end a line, and go to the next line but don't want to start a new paragraph.
(You don't need a closing tag with this code.)
The comment tag is used to insert a private comment or note to yourself in the HTML source code that will not appear
on the page.
<!-- This is what a comment looks like. -->
To insert a horizontal rule/line across the page use this code <hr>
To add color to the line add... <hr color= red> That would produce a red line. Change the color word to change the
color of the line.
For bold text(writing)
<b>text here </b>
For italic text
<i>text here</i>
To underline text
<u>text here</u>
To change the color of the text
<font color =red>text here</font>
To change the size of text
<font size =+1>slightly larger text</font>
Change the
+1 to +2, +3 etc. the higher the number the larger the text.
One of my favorite tags is the marquee tag. It causes your text to move across your page. There are ways to slow the text
or speed it up, make it go left to right or right to left, up or down etc.... But for now I will just list the basic marquee
<marquee>insert your text here</marquee>
To add an image
<img src="insert url to where you image is hosted here">
To add a link to another page
<a href="insert url to page here"</a>